I still haven,t heard anything from my boss or double boss about the weird stuff I wrote the other week. I guess that,s a good thing. Maybe nobody has read it. Maybe somebody read it and just threw it out and didn,t bother to tell me. Both of those scenarios are fine with me. I would like to have that insane stuff that I wrote be seen by, and confuse, a bunch of morons, but if nobody sees it, that,s fine as well. The important thing is that I,m not fired yet.
I need that money because I just spent a stupid amount on a stupid computer recently. That was stupid. It looks stupid. It looks like it,s made out of cool, tough metal. I can,t believe I bought it. I don,t even use it very much. It doesn,t do anything cool. It does all of the boring stuff that my last computer did, but it does it faster. Now I can do more boring stuff in less time. I guess that,s really what life is about - learning to run really fast so you can do more stuff that you don,t care about. Writing all of this stuff is making me realize that it,s not that much of a joke and now I,m sad.