Thursday, June 17, 2010

Gekko Poisoning


Today at work, my boss asked me to make a sign to advertise the coffee that we just started selling. He told me to make sure it ,,popped,, and caught people,s attention. My wormy friend Andy helped me outline some great ads that will surely catch the public,s attention as well as entice them to purchase a tiny plastic bag with a little bit of trash-flavored, year old coffee grounds in it for way more money than it,s worth. That picture up there is just one of the many ideas we dumped out of our bag. We went halvsies on a bag of ideas. Everything Andy came up with was much better than any of my abortions. I think he majored in Advertising or Digital Communication or something.

I hate it when people in school refer to Communications classes as Comms classes. ,,Nah man, I can,t make it to the keg fashion show tonight, I,ve got to study for my Comms midterm final scantron tomorrow. Smoke ya later!,, I have probably heard that conversation word for word before.
Air Conditioning - Catneck

You can see the rest of our coffee ads here. Make sure and vote for your favorite one. And don,t try to steal them though. We have already trademarked them. We put them in an envelope and mailed them to ourselves. When I was younger, kids always told me that was the way you did that stuff. I never bothered to see if that was true. Little kids are pretty smart though. Yeah right, kids are horrible.

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