Tuesday, April 5, 2011



Everybody is sick except me. Now that I wrote that I,m going to get sick. Thanks a lot. Both my real and fake roommates are always coughing. I sort of think they are doing it as a joke because they know that I don,t like repetitious bodily sounds. I bet one of them got sick and then kissed the other one to make him sick too so they could double team me with hacking wet coughs and spitting in the shower. It started around April first so it makes sense that it is a prank. The joke is on them though because they think they are just normal sick but I reversed the prank and gave them a sweet little case of hantavirus.

I guess I,m sort of sick too. It recently stopped being rainy and gloomy and started being windy and sunny. Bummer. That means that I get to sneeze all the time and I am too hot at night so I have to figure out different configurations and ratios of exposed to covered body in order to find the proper temperature to sleep. I wore a surgical mask for a good portion of the day today and that helped a little bit but my breath smells like pig skin so it made my stomach hurt. You win some, you lose some.

I have only eaten bread or bread-based foods for the past several days and my body is dying. It,s making me breath smell like a phone booth. I have been trying to not spend too much money so I have been eating whatever is in my apartment rather than buying new, good, healthy food. I have eaten plenty of noodles and cereal and that,s it.
Nôze - Piano EP

I kicked a French fry the other night and my roommate ate it. I just stole a slice of pizza from the fridge at work. It was clearly labeled as somebody else,s property. Is it a ,,slice,, or a ,,piece,, of pizza. Which is more appropriate? Which is more Italian? I think it depends on the kind of pizza. If it,s cold, then it,s always a slice. If it,s hot it can go either way.

This is the worst thing I have ever written. It would probably be better to trash this and start over. Maybe I,ll do that. I,ve already written so much garbage though. This is actually about on par with everything I have ever written and will ever write. Thank god I spent four and a half years of my life learning how to write about stuff. This is probably the most academic thing I do anymore. Well, this and adding two numbers together at the end of every shift I work. I don,t even use a calculator and there is one in the drawer that I could use if I wanted. I like to challenge myself as is obvious by my choice in pursuing a film degree and not doing anything after I graduated. If anybody has ever been proud of me then they are an idiot.

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