Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My Voice Smells Like Garlic

Christmas is sometimes called Xmas because of X-Men. I have never read any of those comics or seen any of the movies, but I used to watch the cartoon when I was younger and I always liked Gambit because he was from New Orleans and I don,t think I knew what that meant. Maybe I thought it was a planet.

I always hated the little girl that shot fireworks as her power. That was useless. I may actually be making her up right now or she may have been a character on Captain Planet. Either way, I don,t plan on looking up those shows to check my facts. The bottom line is that it was Xmas the other day and I celebrated the way those dead mutants would have wanted me to - I worked.

Ryuichi Sakamoto - Beauty

The night before I stayed up really late so I could go hang out with my friend because that,s what I do every year. I drive forty miles and hang out with my friend in the cold for a few hours and then drive home. It,s a good tradition. I hope it never ends. We played with garbage and talked about how somebody in the world looks like a goose-human hybrid and we both think that that is kind of hot for some reason.

That means that I only got to sleep for three or four hours before going to work. It was weird. I felt impossibly tired. I almost liked it except that it made time gross and bendy and everything took forever. Maybe that,s because I was waiting so hard for work to be over. Whatever. I made a good X-Man lunch (baked macaroni and cheese but I didn,t use macaroni noodles because those are dumb. I used penne because those are less dumb).

That night, my dad made me a weird dinner that was delicious and I gave him a book that he acted like he liked. He is so good at that. He always yells in excitement when I give him something. That,s what makes a good dad, pretending to care about the gifts that are given to you by your children. It doesn,t matter if you,re an alcoholic or you molest, all that matters is your acting ability come Xmas time. That,s what the season is all about.

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