My teeth feel like they,re made out of ice. They,re not cold though. It just feels like if I were to bite down hard enough, they would crush into tasty little ice pieces. My teeth aren,t cold though. In that way, they are not like ice at all. They are warm. I have very warm teeth. Please do not get confused and think that my teeth are cold. If I confused you and made you think that, I apologize.
I went to the dentist today and they stabbed me for an hour but before they did that, they stabbed me with a needle filled with gross juice that tasted bad. That,s why some of my teeth feel like ice. The juice made them that way.
Henry Flynt & The Insurrections - I Don,t Wanna
The woman that filled my body with juice and stabbed me for an hour was nice. I had a really difficult time understanding what she was saying. It may have been because she was wearing a surgical mask to try and help her not smell my breath or it may have been because she didn,t really speak English. Either way, I applaud her for answering my questions over and over until I was satisfied with the answer. She mostly said, ,,Yes,, to most of my questions when that answer wasn,t applicable. I liked that. She played by her own rules.
She also let me wear some cool glasses because the light that she shined on my gross face was so bright. I didn,t get to keep them though. I understand. They,re running a business, not a charity. She told me that my mouth would only be numb for two or three hours and that was four hours ago so I,m pretty sure this is permanent. That,s fine. I don,t use the right side of my face very much anyway. The left side is much better.
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