Bline Zogazine disappeared for a day or two. I,m sure nobody noticed. It took me a while to notice. I guess the stupid domain name expired. I had to buy another one. It,s embarrassing to admit that I pay money to write this thing. I could do it for free. I did it for free for several years. I am an idiot. Nobody would care if this went away. I wouldn,t care. I,m not even reading what I,m writing right now.
The only thing that this website is good for is for me to see the last time I was sick. I think I generally mention when I am sick on here. That is such an unimportant detail to include when I write these things. I guess that,s kind of a thing though. I write all of the unimportant, boring stuff and keep the good stuff that,s still not very good in my brain.
I think I,m getting sick right now. What I mean by that is that I am sick right now. I also have to pee right now because I am making myself drink at least one bottle of water each hour because I heard a rumor that water and pee makes you better. Apparently keeping your pee tube clean and well hydrated is an integral part of recovering form almost any illness.
Hymie,s Basement - Hymie,s Basement
I think I just have a normal cold because my body likes those. I,m usually only feel sick in my face when I catch something. That means that my poop and puke schedules remains unchanged. But, my stomach will normally hurt when I am sick because I force myself to eat a ton of food. I figure that food is fuel for the rocket ships in my head that fight the illegal aliens that have climbed through my nose and are attacking my brain. The more the fuel the rocket ships have, the faster they can round up the aliens and ship them back to Puerto Rico where they belong. I don,t know if anything I just wrote is racist, but it could be.
I started making wine the other day. I started making it before that too. I made my own wine out of frozen grape juice and sugar and baker,s yeast. I made it in a dirty plastic bottle. I don,t know if it,s good. I didn,t have any, but some of my friends did and they got drunk but not sick so mission accomplished. They said it didn,t taste very good, but who cares about that.
I made almost a gallon of it and it looked and smelled gross. I started making another gallon yesterday because I like wasting my money and it teaches me about science and I like the idea of having my own winery under my kitchen sink that constantly produces incredibly low quality alcohol. Also, a friend of mine is coming to visit soon and I wanted to have a gift for him. It,s the perfect gift. It,s cheap, easy, gross, and I made it myself. I am going to pee. I peed.
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