Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Very Good Luck

My days have been so confusing recently. I get up early and go to work and nothing happens there because it,s so slow. The other day I didn,t get a phone call for six hours. It was wild. I thought I was the only person alive. I didn,t move at all.

After work, I go home and eat something and go to bed at around four. Then I wake up an hour or two later and because my Death Cab For Cutie cover band is making a new album right now, I go record for a few hours and end up going to bed way later than I normally do. It feels like every day is actually two days. My work week has already been four days and it,s only Tuesday.
Oneohtrix Point Never - Garden Of Delete
I don,t know what,s going on. For some reason, recording is making me extremely tired. We started on Halloween and we finished at around seven and I fell asleep at eight. That,s insanely early even for me. The same thing happened the next night. I think my body hates recording. I know it hates loud sounds. Maybe it,s punishing me by shutting down earlier and earlier each day. The punishment fits the crime.

Luckily, I haven,t gotten sick like I thought I was going to. I feel like I,m dancing on the cusp, though. I love that cusp. That,s where I spend almost all of my time. I don,t feel sick, but my farts smell like I,m sick. I,m worried that I,m going to get in trouble for damaging company property because I keep farting in my chair at work and it smells so bad that it,s starting to discolor the material.

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