Saturday, October 25, 2008

Rotator Cuff


My friend got his bike stolen on his birthday. He got the bike for his birthday too, so it was double bad (like when the ice melts and then it,s like second drink). He had a bike before that though. It was brown and small and sung folk-punk songs about justice and equlity and the man and coffee and stuff. He left his folk-punk bike in this Beast of Burden,s kitchen and the it got trashed, everybody was mad about it.

We are now accepting donations to get my friend a new bike. Minimum donations start at 85 dollars. When you donate you get a free hand crafted, blurry tattoo of your favorite political symbol. Just to let you know, the house specialty is that sigg A with a circle around it, or a heart, or a smiley face. All great options in my opinion.

We were walking ((alliteration) oh, I should have said with) and we (alliteration) saw this goon, gooning around on his specialty goon bike that he said cost 4000 dollars. We did,t have any intention of taking his picture but he kept pulling his weiner out and treating it like a lassoe. Unfortunately, by the time we put our weiners away and pulled out the camera his weiner had retracted and he was just riding his ketchup and mustard goon bike. Boring. Fortunately, he handed us a brochure (or pamphlet, I don,t remember) about his upcoming art show. He creates almost all of his art by slathering his lassoe ween with ketchup and mustard and rubbing on canvas. It looked kind of ok.

Andy Dixon - The Mice of Mt. Career

Yours truely,

Dr. Ownership Regions Manipulation Officer Tendril Ph.D

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