I,ve been going to a lot of BBQs (Bong-Be-Ques) lately. Or ,,as of late,, as some might say. It,s been like three in the past week or something. Myabe more than that. It gets tough to remember when so many bongs are around. All sorts of bongs; Beer Bongs,
Weed Bongs,
Body Bongs,Thong Bongs, Bong John Silver. A lot of great
When I was in sixth grade the whole class had to go to this camp at the end of the year. It was called Sixth Grade Camp. It sucked for the most part. I got way sick like the second or third day there and
threw up all over myself at night. It got all over the bed and the floor and stuff and the older kid that was our counselor had to clean it up because I was just a little kid and I felt depleted. I just went and took a shower with my clothes on. The only cool part about camp was that the same puke cleaning albino that saved the day also taught my friends and I how to make a bong out of a
milk carton. We all thought he was so cool. Oh, the other cool part was that we put
jelly in some kids shoes and we stayed up all night listening to
KoRn and eating candy.
Black Moth Super Rainbow - DrippersThis BBQ I went to like a week ago was rad. It was at this really cool house in the bad part of town where all the
black people go to scare the
white people. There was this one band that played that were from Smokeland. You know, Smokeland, California. They played a bunch of Lynard Skynard covers but they played them really really fast. Did you ever notice that Lynard Skynard has the word nard in it twice? Some dude got his face
smashed open when they played but I,ll get back to that later.
This other BBQ I went to was full of pretentious dorky kids so I fit in pretty well. A bunch of fake bands played pretend music including
my band. The girl that put the BBQ together wore way
too much makeup and had her weird
pigeon-tits hanging out all over the place. What a mess. There was this kid there that was playing sega most of the time and was asking the guitar player in my band, Six-String (We also call him Dick-String because he has a big peepee) what we sounded like and what kind of music he was into. Well, Six-String mostly likes traditional Mexican music on acount of him having
boarder-jumping-juice running through his veins.
Sega Kid was not happy with this so he challenged him to a game of Sonic 3. But every Beast of Burden knows that Sonic 3 is impossible to beat so they just ended up making out in the honor of Michael Jackson and Tails that two-tailed gay
fox that followed Sonic around. They both died on the same day.
The last BBQ I went to was at the same place as the first one and was made up of a bunch of
punker dudes and me. It was cool. The blood from that guy who smashed his head at the Lynard Skynard show was smeared all over the house. We later found out that dude ended up dying from blood loss. What a laugh we all had. We talked about smoking Salvia and we held my friend down and blew bong hits
up his ass. It was so hot.
David Leibe Hart,s Phone Number (213)381-0791