Friday, October 17, 2008

Rohnert Park, California


I really miss being in Spain. We had such a good time there. The girls were just so hot and wet. You know? Yeah right. We always sat on the veranda and drank French drinks and spoke Spanish and complained. I wish I was still there with my real friends and our free wifi and cheap rent and freedom and health and lots of money. We would always sit on the roof and drink European drinks and speak European to each other and complain in European.

Last night we walked around the scape of the city taking advantage of people. We saw the cops beating up Blobby and taking him to jail. Funny enough, it was the same cop mentioned in the first digital Bline Zogazine article. I,m pretty sure they busted, or should I say, blasted out one of Blobby,s eyes with their stabbing sticks. It was mezzed ubb. I guess he beat up some 14 year old girl and stole some crack cocaine from her. I know it was bad on his part but she was dressed so sluttily that she was sort of asking for it.
The Cribs - The Cribs

We also saw this cool motorcycle and these cool Beasts of Burden walking around trying to blow up the twin towers. They kept saying they were looking for something explosive so they could fly to New York (but they kept spelling it New Yourk, we were texting each other) and put it on ground zero and blow it up more. What a bunch or jerks. I bet they,re going to vote for Barack Osama Saddam Hussein Bin Laden Obama. Then they molested some bread thieves.
Nôze - How to Dance
Password =

David Spokecard


Unknown said...

.....o o......................
..o o o o...................
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.....o o..............o.....
...o o o o o o o o o....
..o o o o o o o o o o..
...o o o o o o o o o....
.....o o o o o o o o ....
.............o o.............
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Unknown said...

messy goose.