The other night I went to a very cold punker show. I didn,t really watch or listen to any of the bands. I don,t like that kind of music or any music. I mostly stood outside in the dirt and felt how cold it was. In that respect, it was a pretty successful show.
I didn,t have to spend any money, which was nice. I did, however, end up smelling like a toad because I sat on an outdoor couch for a little while. I was stained with toad-stink. Luckily, I get to wash all of my clothes for free at my work. Unluckily, I got a very nice haircut the other night and put all of my hairy clothes in the washing machine with the rest of my clothes and now everything is hairy. The shirt I,m wearing right now feels like there are twenty tiny needs gently bothering my back. My jacket doesn,t smell anymore though. I would say it,s a fair trade.

Jensen Sportag - Pure Wet EP
Before the show started, a few people were standing outside in the dirt with me. A strange dog ran from the shadows and grabbed the shoe off of a weird girl,s foot. We all laughed at her misfortune as the dog would bring it near her and then run away. Nobody did anything to help except for a fat kid who was probably trying to impress her. She had stretched ears and a dumb hat on and he seemed like the kind of guy to like that sort of thing. She eventually got her disgusting dog mouth covered shoe back. It was sort of like that children,s story about the shoe. I really can,t remember what it,s called. Was Cinderella the one with the shoe and the guy has to find the foot that fits it? The internet says yes.
This shirt didn,t look like it had that many hairs on it when I put it on. I figured I could just shake it out a few times and be free of them. I was wrong. It took a few hours for them to kick in. That,s the real trick. If I would have felt them right away I could have put on a less hairy shirt. All of my shirts are hairy but to different degrees. The one I am wearing right now is ,,sort of,, hairy.