Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Dog Pile


You know how there is always that one girl in highschool (is highschool one word?) that is totally not your cup but you are still attracted to her? Like, they are basely attractive or at least weirdly attractive?

Actually, there are a few variations of this sort of girl or whatever thing you,re into. You might be a gay for all I know. I,ll just say girl and pretend that all you Beasts of Burden are lezirds.

There are those girls that look kind of bad, like rape victim bad. And they drink in the sloppy kind of way. Not like the fun girl at the party that sings weezer songs but the pig that brings her own bottle of whatever and drinks way before and way after everybody and when she pukes it,s not even fun because she does it right after she finishes having anal on the couch where you have to sleep that night. But you still wish it was you filling her colon with meat rather than that older guy at the party that only like two girls know.

Then there are the girls that are pretty. Everybody thinks they,re pretty but they,re super dumb or wack or something. So it,s embarrassing but you still think about her when you jerk off.
Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix

Then there are the girls that are missing a limb or are mentally disabled. And it,s not like you want to exploit them. You just want to explore them. They are like the holy grail. The rotten forbidden fruit.

Then there are the girls that are way too young. And you only really find them attractive because everybody else does and you just want to be the first one to ruin her highschool life by telling everybody you convinced her to put it in her butt by saying you didn,t have a condom. Works every time.

There are a bunch of other types that I,m not going to go into. They include the ugly punk girl, the nazi girl, the fat girl, the cutter, the girl with the really annoying voice, the girl with the really ugly vagina, the girl who dropped out, the ultra-religious girl, the girl who said she went to juvi for smashing her dad in the face with a glass sugar bowl, the girl who always smells like her older brother,s weed, the girl with that hair that is wavy and always looks wet and has super thin eyebrows and wears jeans with no back pockets, and maybe even the juggalette. Who knows.

The bottom line is that at least one of these types, at one time or another, will end up with semi-naked, naked, and/or hardcore pornographic pictures/video on the internet. Most of us will never be lucky enough to stumble across these wonderous gems. Every once in a while however, you get lucky.


Senior Master Fraction Fiction

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

One of the First Days of Summear


Dude! It has been so long since that last delicious, nutritious article. My bad. Like anybody even reads this stuff.

You know how every Beast of Burden acts like they,re in a band or that they were at some time? I,m doing that now. I tell people that I meet that I,m in this really experimental (which just means lazy becauce everybody that uses that word to describe music just means that they never learned how to play an instrument so they just smash on one) band and we only use vegan instruments and stuff. The attention it is getting me is great. I have even started going to shows around here and saying that my band is playing. The bewildered goon standing behind the coffee counter with his sticky, Asian dreds always just tells me it,s not cool if my band plays. His breath smells like weed and sesame seeds so we play anyways.

When people get bummed and leave we make little speeches in between songs about how we just got done doing a split with some unheard of band that is way under the radar and cool. Then if the people still leave they get razzed by their friends for not knowing what the cool new trash is.

My band sort of sounds like John Mayer. But the good John May May, not that weak stuff where he sings about how gay George Bush is.
John Mayer - Room For Squares

Last night two of my band mates and I had a show. We went to our friends house just after he finished smoking weed and we danced all over him until he got mad and pushed us out of his room. He was being all mean and stuff. Boring. Then we took our show to the train tracks and 4-String (we also call him 4-Skin because he still has that flap of dick meat attached to him) the bass player, poopooed in some homeless guys bedding and wiped his gummy little plop opening with his underwear. He usually doesn,t wear any so it was his lucky day. It was one of our better shows.

Minor Threat Misfits Jaguars Black Flag