Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Set Of Handsome Lines

I changed the password to my Netflix account last night because I have given it to too many people and sometimes I can't watch something online because two other people are doing it simultaneously. I barely ever watch stuff on there on my computer so I,m guessing over two hundred people are using my account for that to have happened more than once. But much more importantly than that, somebody has been watching a lot of movies in the past few days that are rated less than two stars. The kind of people that take the time to rate movies on Netflix that are classified as ,,Teen Comedies,, or ,,Romantic Dramas,, are generally not too discerning so it is sort of a big deal when they are rated one point one star.

Will Ferrell and Hugh Grant have been getting a lot of play recently. I also see that somebody watched the highly acclaimed Alice In Wonderland starring everything on a computer. I hope me changing the password stops this from happening. I really don,t remember who I have given it out to. What if a hacker has it and he,s such a good hacker that he can figure out my new one right away? What if this hacker really likes Romantic Comedies and the work of Julia Roberts?

The Beastie Boys - Polly Wog Stew

I,m an idiot though. As soon as I changed it I told five people what it was. My roommate doesn,t count though because I can just walk to his room and tell him to stop watching something if it means that I can,t watch my stories (Man v Food). So five people have it but one of them lives with me, one of them has their own account and one of them says he doesn,t use it. I guess that,s not too bad. One of the people I gave it to needs it or he,ll go crazy. I think he normally uses it between two and six in the morning anyway which are not my peak hours.

I have written three paragraphs about a Netflix password. I didn,t take a shower this morning and my gums are bleeding and I keep getting told I have bad breath and everything about me stinks and people shutter when I touch them or even get near them and I am dying. That,s the moral of this story. I write about Netflix in order to cope with the realization of my disgusting mortality.

1 comment:

Anniee451 said...

Dude, your gums shouldn't be bleeding.