Monday, May 19, 2014

Hot Bunch

I just farted and my art smelled almost exactly like what I had for dinner last night. I had a very crazy dinner. I bought kale for the first time in my life because I guess I felt like pretending that I was an adult while I was shopping for food. That was dumb. At least it was cheap. I ate it all for dinner last night. It wasn,t very good.

I was not very hungry because I ate a big burrito for a late lunch. I stopped eating burritos for a while because I had three or four in one week and that seemed like a bad sign. Maybe it wasn,t. Maybe it was good for me. I don,t know. What I do know is that it scared me so I stopped eating them for a few weeks. That all changed yesterday, though. I broke the burrito fast and it was good.

The kale was not good. I baked it and tried to turn it into potato chips, but I forgot one very important thing. Potatoes are great and kale is not potatoes. I covered the crisped, dry leaf shards with salt and garlic and I guess that helped, but it was still very much a giant plate full of kale. That,s what my fart smelled like just now.
Cult Ritual - First LP
I had a second interview for that job. The first interview was cool, but the second one was cooler. The second one was with the CEO of the company who was some mid thirties cool guy. He wasn,t a cool guy in the CEO sense. He wasn,t like the A&R guy that Wu-Tang Clan raps about who is a mountain climber who plays an electric guitar. He was actually cool. He was normal and kind of made fun of me. That,s how you know somebody is cool.

We talked about how I couldn,t speak Mandarin and how I didn,t have to dress like a nerd if I got the job there. The joke would be on him though because I almost always dress like a nerd. I think I only have one black shirt and I don,t even own a single black pair of pants.

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