Tuesday, May 6, 2014

It Was Nice

I poached an egg for the first time in my life today. That was wild. Eggs are pretty gross, but I wanted to do it anyway. You need to learn about your enemy before you can destroy them. I don,t want to destroy eggs or anything, but I do think that they are stupid and smell bad. If the ratio of yolk to white was reversed, I would dislike them much less.

The poaching went well, though. The egg became poached so the mission was accomplished. I didn,t drop anything and I didn,t burn myself so the second mission was also accomplished and it was edible so even the third mission was accomplished. I had no idea that I had so many missions to accomplish when I woke up this morning.
Evenings - Yore
The floor in my kitchen is kind of sticky because I haven,t properly cleaned it since a guy was in there the other day to fix a hole. I went to work last week and when I came back home, there was a rusty nail sticking through one of the tiles in my kitchen. It was crazy. It was so dangerous. It could have been more dangerous, though. It was sticking through the tile with the flat part up. If the pointy part were sticking through, I,m sure that I would have put my recent tetanus shot to good use.

I,ll feel stupid if I went through the trouble of getting a tetanus shot for nothing. I should step on something terrible. Do tetanus shots protect you against anything other than rusty nails? Maybe I heal really quickly since I got it so recently. That,s what happened to Wolverine from X-Men, I bet.

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