Sunday, September 7, 2014


I have been treating myself so poorly lately. I ran out of food stamps a few weeks ago and they just refilled this morning so I didn,t have any real food in my home for a little while. I didn,t even have the proper condiments to make the things that I did have (rice) taste good (soy sauce). It was a rough few days. I was living on cold water and long naps.

I just got back from the grocery store and I went wild. I spent one hundred dollars. It was great. The best part is that I still feel like I don,t have any food. My refrigerator is somehow still very empty. I guess that means that I only buy dry food, but it,s still a bummer to have spent over half of my monthly food allotment and open the fridge to find a piece of broccoli and some tortillas.
Aphex Twin - Come To Daddy
Instead of eating, I have been watching a cooking show that I used to watch when I was a kid. It,s about this ridiculous, ugly British guy who loves sliding down banisters and having really wet lips. He,s gross and really loud and he,s always throwing stuff around so I should definitely hate him. I don,t though. I,m not sure what it is about him that makes me not want to die, but he has that indefinable quality. He is a shining example.

I think my Death Cab For Cutie cover band finally finished our dumb record yesterday. We haven,t really been working on it for the past month or so. It,s just been our friend who recorded it sending me mixes and me telling him, ,, No dude, this isn,t good enough. You need to make it sound like we know how to play our instruments and write songs. Try again. Try harder.,, He came through in the end, though. I,m guessing that he just rewrote and rerecorded the entire thing, but as long as we get the credit for it, I,m happy.