Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My Voice Sounds Bad

There are a ton of Hispanic-seeming girls at my work right now. I specifically chose the word ,,ton,, because most of them are kind of fat and once of them looks like three tractor tires stacked on top of each other covered in irregular clothes that Target tried to send back to the manufacturer. There are a lot of black Capri pants here. Her face looks a pumpkin that scared itself with black earthworms hot glued above its heavy, meat-filled eyelids. She,s the heftiest sow. Her neck looks like a decorating bag filled just beyond capacity with raw ground chicken. What if I wrote this entire thing describing how one person looks?

Dorian Concept - Her Tears Taste Like Pears

Her lips look like used tampons. That,s it. It,s a simple but fitting description. I have very little experience with menstruation and the type of things that fall from a woman,s body during the process but I am willing to bet that much of it is dark red in color. Maybe it fluctuates, but I think it would be between dark crimson and black on the blood-spectrum. Her lips are like swollen, wet cotton tubes filled with black and red blood speckled with endometrial lining chunks. The ghastly off-white color of her skin just makes the severity of her lips more apparent and nauseating. I want to kiss her because I want to puke in a girl,s mouth while kissing and I would no other option in that scenario.

Her face has a permanent, bewildered scowl on it. I don,t really think that,s all her fault. The bewilderment is probably her fault but the scowl is surely due to the weight of her jowls pulling down on her greasy mouth. God, her throat is so fat. Her arms look like mashed potatoes that were made with some of the skins still left on. She has pockmarks and spots of discoloration all over every inch of skin I have seen oo her. She is like a big grub. A big, hungry, confused, angry, scared, hungry, lonely, sad, hungry, swollen, hungry larva. I just want to feed her leaves and watch her pupate.

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