Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The First Day Of Summear

I have been keeping pretty good track of my poop schedule for quite some time now. I,m not sure how long it,s been. It,s been months. I record almost every single time I poop. I do it digitally. I use my iPod to put that information online as it,s happening. You can track my progress here. I don,t think I have accomplished much by doing this. I have learned that I can follow a pretty tight schedule though. Sometimes I am far away from an internet connection and can,t record the times when something horrible falls out of my body for a few days at a time and I wonder what the weirdos that actively see my poop times think. Do they worry about me? Do they notice that I haven,t recorded a bowel movement in three days? Do they think I am dead or that I got that surgery that makes it so you don,t have to poop anymore?
Sean McCann - Mammoth Mountain
I would like that surgery. I would like that surgery to exist. That would be helpful. I would rather there be a surgery that made it so you didn,t have to sneeze. That,s the worst. Sneezing never did anything good for anybody. They are annoying to experience and even more annoying to hear. I hate my body and the things that come out of it. If it were up to me, nobody would have any holes anywhere.

When are they finally going to make it so you can get any surgery that you want? I feel like we as a people should be there already. If I want to be immediately really muscly and cool, I should be able to pay nine hundred dollars and get a quick, painless procedure done that makes me that way. If I want to be a black guy, I should have the option. If I want to have dinosaur spikes, let me have them. I don,t want to say that Obama is to blame, but I don,t really see any other reason why these medical advances haven,t been made yet.

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