Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Your New Toy

Today I saw tumbleweeds for the first time or at least the first time that I remember. They were blowing across the road. They were really good at it. None of them got hit. Tumbleweeds are smarter than rabbits. They are also cooler than rabbits because they don,t make messes and nobody has them as pets.

My feet smell bad. That is very unusual for me. My feet normally don,t smell like anything. I blame it on doing physical labor with them. That,ll teach me to do anything ever. So far there have only been negative consequences. My hands are bloody, my feet smell, my brain smells, I have sun poisoning, I have horse poisoning, my legs are weird, my arms feel like milk even though they are red, and I got sand in my eye.

Weezer - Weezer
I don,t know what I was thinking by coming here. I guess I didn,t think about it enough. All I do is work on a farm doing tasks that are uninteresting and drive around. I drive around so I won,t go crazy. Yesterday I just sat in the room that I,m staying in for a lot of the day and watched television shows on my computer and felt like a disgusting, wasteful slug. I can do that at home but be more comfortable and bug people that I know. I don,t know anybody here. I probably haven,t said fifty words today. Whatever. Free Wi-Fi, right?

I think the worst part of it all is that there are so many pictures of horses in this room. There are at least four. I think this room was horse picture storage before I got here. Now it,s gross human storage. I,m supposed to be here a month. Real funny, guys. I don,t think so. This place is huge and pretty, but a month is a long time for my feet to smell this bad.

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