Sunday, July 8, 2012

Overwhelmingly Bad

Last night I went to a pretty weird show. It was weird because it was at a bar and I was the youngest person there and I had never heard any of the bands and I didn,t really want to be there and I found out that all grown ups smoke cigarettes and all grown up ladies have really bad tattoos. I also found out that grown ups are not any different than kids. Both groups are very stupid and loud and have dumb voices that hurt my left ear because you,re standing right next to me. I don,t care that you spent a lot of money dying your hair an unearthly red/orange color and buying an ugly, blue pinup dress. You look like your personality. You,re a bummer. Quit yelling. I don,t think the weirdo guy you,re talking to is that interested in what you think about dogs.

I spent most of the evening near my friend who I went with. I listened to him talk to people I didn,t know. He was telling them stories I had already heard, but he,s a good storyteller so it wasn,t bad. Plus, it,s always nice to hear about an old man pooping in some lady,s truck. I could listen to stories like that all night long. So that,s what I did.
Pregnant Women - Dead Meat
At one point, a woman with piss colored napkins for hair and grossly misshapen features started talking to me out of pity. She asked me how old I was, what my favorite color was, how drunk I was, what I did, and if I came there often. She bad to look at and listen to. She was right on par with one hundred percent of the other people there. She got mad that I didn,t have a favorite color and I got mad that she was talking so close to me. She had lipstick on her teeth. She also had lipstick on her lips. I,m not sure which was worse. Eventually I went back to my straight ahead staring routine and she went inside to probably continue being a miserable bag of mop water. 

When I finally went inside I got to see two weird looking adults lying on top of each other. I guess they were fighting, but they were moving so slowly that it confused me. One of them was caressing the other and they both looked like they were smiling. Everybody got mad and made them leave. I think they were just trying to take a nap. Later, a big fat guy ran into a girl and a glass broke.

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