Monday, October 8, 2012

A Bag Of Leaves

I have been writing stuff on this stupid thing for four years. That is very embarrassing. I am going to delete everything as soon as I finish writing this. I,m just kidding. I probably should though because I bet somebody is going to try and use this stuff against me in court someday. Maybe that will work in my advantage and the judge/doctor will think I am a maniac and they,ll let me hang out in a hospital rather than a mean jail.

I think most jails are probably mean except for ones in fancy countries where they let you walk around outside and go to a lake and plant vegetables. I,m pretty scared of getting in trouble and going to jail. It,s mostly because of my leaf-like bone structure. I guess all of the adults, plans worked. They made me afraid to do fun stuff because I could end up in jail. The system kind of works when it comes to weak, boring, well off kids.
Goldmund - Famous Places
I think the worst thing about jail would be having to learn to draw pictures in the style that all prisoners do. I would have to draw long, low cars with Hispanic girls sitting on the trunk. I would have to draw those drama masks where one is smiling and one is crying and it says Baby Joker Is Dead in the middle. I would have to only draw clown faces.

Jail is kind of like an art school though. If you get accepted to jail, you learn the art of clown face drawing. I think it skips some stuff like perspective and shading and things like that, but you get to draw a lot of clown faces and pictures of Jesus. That,s not my favorite kind of art, but at least I would be learning a skill that I could put to good use if I ever got out. I guess jail isn,t so bad after all.

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