Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Living By Yourself

I went to Los Angeles the other day. That was a long drive. I drove a thousand miles. I don,t live a thousand miled away from Los Angeles, though. I mean that I drove that much all together. When I got there I stayed in a rich person,s house for free. That was pretty nice. The pillows were really squishy and the blankets weighed a lot. I guess that,s what rich people like - soft, heavy stuff.

There were a lot of political signs and stickers in the neighborhood. There were also a lot of people who liked to ride surfboards while holding kites. There were also a lot of oceans. There was only one ocean, but that,s a lot more than I usually see. It was a pretty big ocean.

I could see a bunch of ships in it. They were all cruise ships, but some of them were the kind of cruise ships that are covered in shipping containers. Those are the working cruise ships. You have to not understand English very well to go on those. You also have to wear dirty clothes and have hairy muscles. They are very exclusive.
Porteur - LKBK
I ate a lot of expensive food there. Some of it was very good and some of it was bad and all of it was expensive. I noticed a strangely high proportion of couples consisting of ,,pretty,, girls and weirdo, ugly, fat guys. I guess that,s what,s in now. Weirdo ugly guys are having a ball down south. They,re going crazy and hanging out with gap-toothed Urban Outfitters models who are only familiar with books that they were assigned in school.

There was a bunch of bad wind on the other side of the country yesterday. I mailed a postcard to a friend of mine who lives over there a few days ago and if the wind messed up its delivery, this will be the first natural disaster that has directly affected me. I hope the postcard is safe. I hope it,s dry and comfortable and pressed between two sexy letters right now.

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