Tuesday, November 27, 2012


What if you couldn,t remember the last thing that you ate that wasn,t macaroni and cheese? It wouldn,t be because that,s all you ate, it would be because you had a weird problem where you could only remember that food. That would be a strange brain disease. I hope I don,t get that or have that now. I am going to have macaroni and cheese for dinner.

I am a firm believer that the macaroni and cheese that is cartoon shapes rather than standard macaroni noodles taste better. I have thought this for years and have not understood why. I now think I have a theory which might explain this.

I have noticed that when you get a box with shapes, it weighs less than a standard box. This is probably because the people at the macaroni and cheese factory are idiots. Both boxes should weigh the same. There is no reason to put in fewer noodles just because they are shaped like dog heads.
Miles Davis - Miles In The Sky
The spice packet (AKA the cheese) is the same in each. This makes me think that the higher yellow/orange powder to noodle weight ratio is the cause for the better flavor. It kind of makes sense except for the fact that I once tried the kind where it has extra flavor or something and it was gross. Also, the kind in the cup that you microwave is gross. I,m a horrible human being, but even I won,t buy that stuff.

The end result is that I don,t know or care why it tastes better. I am just mad that it usually costs more than the regular noodles even though there is less of it. I am also really mad about the fact that I am a grown man who regularly eats things out of a box that take no skill or craft to create. I know how to cook some things, but I choose not to. I choose to wallow in orange slop.

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