Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Very Close To Something

My belt broke the other day, but I,m still using it. It,s only partially broke. I think it will be completely unusable soon, though. I like this belt. I got it as a replacement for a belt that I had before this one. I liked that one even more. I got both of the belts from thrift stores. The broken one that I,m wearing right now isn,t as good as the first one, but it,s the same kind. It,s the same type.

I tried to look up what kind of belt it was so I could get another one, but I couldn,t figure it out at first. It,s not just a leather belt or a woven belt or a Boy Scout belt or anything like that. It,s weird. It,s like a canvass strap that has parts of a belt attached at either end. After trying to describe it to Google, I found out the name of this kind of belt and I couldn,t believe it. I still don,t know how to say it. I,ve never heard or seen this ,,word,, before.
Hood - Cold House
It,s a surcingle belt. It might be said like ,,sir single,, but that,s stupid. I hope it,s ,,sir kingley.,, That,s so much better. I can,t wait to a into a belt store and demand a sir kingley belt and get thrown out. I,m going to name my first born Sir Kingley. I,m going to get them knighted. I,m going to get in trouble for naming my kid something insane.

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