Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Weird Words

I have a job interview for a job that I know nothing about. I looked up the company online and the website is so vague. It says something like, ,,We are passionate about music and we just opened a location in Tokyo.,, That,s it. Then it has a weird list of all of the employees and their pictures in alphabetical order. It doesn,t make any sense, but I guess that,s kind of what lured me to it. They put that mysterious bait in the water and I went for it.

The schedule is insane. It,s three hours a day in the morning, five days per week. That is such a terrible schedule. You can,t make enough to live working that much and it makes it almost impossible to have another job. Luckily, my current schedule is also insane so this would work. I would be working seven mornings per week and I am positive that I would kill myself if I did it.
fLako - Eclosure
The best part is that if I somehow get the job, I am sure that I would have to quit in a couple of months when I go out of town for a week or so. Maybe that,s what I,ll lead with in the interview. They will respect my brazen confidence. They,ll have to give me the job. They,ll beg me to take it. ,,Make your own schedule. Don,t come in if you don,t feel like it. We,ll still pay you,,, they,ll say.

I think if I keep telling myself that I would have to quit the job if they give it to me, it,ll make me less upset when I don,t get it. That,s what I,ll do. It,s almost like quitting before the interview. That,s the attitude that you need to make it in today,s tough economy. I,m sure my feelings would be different if I didn,t already have a full time job, but whatever. I don,t care about anything.

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