Saturday, October 17, 2015

Breakfast For Lunch

My Death Cab For Cutie cover band is recording another dumb record in a couple of weeks and we played a dumb show the other night. We usually try to learn the songs we,re going to play before a show, but not this time. We hadn,t practiced them at all because we,re too busy trying to learn how to play the songs we have to record so it was a fun show.

It was nice to go from getting paid to play for zero people on a huge stage to getting paid nothing to play for a handful of people on a tiny stage. It just goes to show that music is stupid and not worth the effort or money it takes to do it. It is an incredible waste and I am an irrevocable fool for participating in any of it.
Steve Hauschildt - Where All Is Fled
It was a surprisingly fun show to play, though. Our friends were hanging out and we didn,t care about how bad we sounded and we wiggled jubilantly. I think that,s what made it so fun - the wiggling. I mean, we generally wiggle while playing, but this time the wiggling was just right. Not to hot, not too cold.

Our last album took us six months to make. We are only giving ourselves two weeks to do this one so it will probably turn out way better (unlikely) or way, way worse (probably). It doesn,t really matter that much to me, though. We,re not paying for it. Now that we,re rock stars, we,ve got somebody else footing the bill. They are going to be so mad when we send them a bunch of trash.

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