Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bad Dreams


I have had a little black dot in my eye for way too long now. It,s like one of those normal dots that you see every so often. You know, the kind you can,t look directly at because it,ll just move away. It,s blurry and small and most of the time I don,t notice it but if I try and read or look at anything white it gets noticeable. And I,m going to kill myself if it doesn,t go away.

I hate it so much, I actually did something pseudo-adult and made an appointment at some vision place. I get to do that for almost free because my work said I could and then gave me a piece of paper saying I could. I got the number to the eye place online and it listed all of the languages that were spoken in the office. Apparently the people that work there speak Chinese, Mandarin, Taiwanese, and some asshole fake language called Fukienese. English isn,t listed so I think it,ll be a strange experience.
Richard Thomas - Soggy Martyrs

I told them on the phone that it had been at least ten years since my last eye exam but I have probably never had one. I was just embarrassed to tell them that. I don,t know why I was. It,s not like a dentist where if you say you haven,t been in 4 years they get mad and your teeth look like half melted Flintsones chewable vitamins. My eyes aren't dirty or anything, I just can't get rid of this weird black spot.

I tried splashing water in there. I tried touching my eye with my finger but that just hurt because I had recently finished eating pizza and my hands were all salty and delicious. I tried rolling my eyes in the back of my head to push it back there with my brain but it only made it angrier. I don,t know what to do. If the Fukienese doctor can,t fix it I,m going to have to get the whole eye removed. Then I can be like the bad guy in that movie ,,Last Action Hero,, and have a glass eye but sometimes I'll put a small bomb in my eye and leave it for the police to discover in the apartment and it,ll blow them up.

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