Monday, October 10, 2011

Two In A Row

The other day I went on a short trip with some of my friends. Actually, it was the other days. I was gone for two or three days and hung out with some Japanese people with long hair. It was a good time. I went to the beach but kept all of my clothes on because that,s the polite thing to do when you look like I do. I,m a gelatinous skeleton.

The first night of the trip I got to see a guy dressed up in a very short skirt. His name was Ben. He kept lifting his skirt to show his underwear. He was very full of himself and it made me uncomfortable. People shouldn,t be that into who they are. Nobody is really that cool. I,m probably the coolest person I know and I am not that great to be around a lot of the time. Ben sucked. I,m glad I,m not his friend.

Quiet Countries - The Ancient Motorcade

The next day I was in a very college town. Apparently there was legislature that was recently passed there that made it illegal to wear any footwear that isn,t UGG boots if you are a female between the ages of four and one hundred. There was a restaurant there that I really wanted to go to but didn,t for reasons that I can,t remember. It was a French fry restaurant that offered many, many different seasonings and dipping sauces. I think every block of every city should have a restaurant like that of varying quality and size. That way everybody could have their favorite place and people could say things like, ,,Let,s go get fries over at the spot on nineteenth street, they have the best weird wasabi sauce.,, And then the other guy would say, ,,No way, their fries are way too thick. I like thick fries but their,s are way too thick. They don,t get firm enough in the middle. Let,s go to the spot on twelfth street.,, and they would both agree because that place is awesome even though it,s really busy sometimes.

The day after that I was in a different city. It was cold and there was a famous rat painted on a wall that people were taking pictures of. That night was fun. I met up with some more friends and ate some chips and drove home really late and got three and a half hours of sleep before going to work in the morning. Before all of that driving home and not sleeping business, I sat in a room and somebody insinuated that I was doing heroin. I don,t think I was. I did poop that night though. That was nice. I hadn,t pooped in the few days prior which was strange because I had eaten Taco Bell every day.

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