Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Trying Not To Ruin

My throat is so weird right now. I might be sick, but I don,t really think so. I just think that my throat is being weird. Throats are the least-understood part of the human anatomy. A lot of doctors and professionals will tell you that it,s the brain, but it,s really the throat. It,s so close, yet so far away. We may never fully understand its intricacies and secrets. I am fine with that. I don,t like my throat and I don,t want to know it any better than I already do.

It doesn,t feel like a normal sore throat. It just feels dry all the time. Breathing through my giant nose hurts it. Breathing through my mouth is difficult because I am not a genetic moron. It is a tough situation. I have to sleep with my head under the covers because I have found that that creates a lot of warm air and that makes the stabbing sensation seem less intense.
Lesser, Matmos, Wobbly - Simultaneous Quodlibet
I don,t know what to do while I am awake, though. I try to gargle mouthwash and that makes me want to die and throw up. I try to gargle salt water and that makes me want to die and throw up. I made soup today because that is the only medicine I can afford and am willing to take. The celery for the soup only cost ten cents. That was pretty awesome. I could have paid for it with a dime, but I used a credit card instead. I thought that was the grown up thing to do.

Another grown up thing to do is to not have very much money. I know that because I am a grown up and I don,t have very much money. I guess anything I do is a grown up thing to do in that way. Driving long distances is a grown up thing to do. Watching television shows that you don,t like is a grown up thing to do. Using commas rather than apostrophes is a grown up thing to do.

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