Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Bad Plugs

While I was eating lunch, I threw a piece of lettuce on the floor and laughed. That,s the best part about living on your own. You can throw leaves wherever you want and nobody will get mad at you except for yourself later when you step on the leaf and it,s squishy and kind of wet. You,ll be mad then, but you,ll remember how much fun you had throwing it on the floor of the apartment that you pay a lot of money for and it,ll all be worth it. The anger will fade and you,ll forget what you were thinking about. You,ll fall asleep and sweat all night.
Ramble Tamble - Twang Of The Void
The other night I was supposed to work from three PM until eleven PM, but I thought it would be hilarious to work until one AM instead. I,m just joking, I didn,t really think it would be hilarious, but I couldn,t reach the guy that was supposed to come in and my new manager was sleeping through my phone calls. It was weird at first and then it got boring and then it got weirder because I was tired all day and staying up that late didn,t do anything good for me. My body is falling apart and that made it worse.

I,m going to try to sue my job for making my body not work. It,s not my fault for filling it with food that has no nutritional value for decades. It,s their fault for making me work two extra hours once. ,,Hours,, doesn,t look like a real word. It,s a French word. It,s French for ,,horse.,, They eat horse in France. They also eat horse here. I just found out that it,s legal to eat horse in America. I thought that it wasn,t. Apparently, it was illegal to kill them for human food, but that,s not even illegal anymore. I love this country.

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