Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Forget It

I feel excited. When you move out of a place, the landlord only has twenty-one days to give you back the part of your security deposit that they don,t end up using to clean all of the dirt you left. If they don,t give it to you within that time, they have to give you the whole deposit back. If my math is correct, my dumb landlord only has one more day to get mine to me.

That will be so cool if I get all of it back. I,ll use that extra money to buy a ton of Mountain Splash flavored Capri Suns. That is the only good flavor and it,s only a good flavor if it,s frozen. When you freeze them, they stop tasting like hummingbird food and start tasting like slightly sweet ice. That,s the best. It,s the ultimate popsicle.
William Basinski - The Disintegration Loops
It takes a really long time to freeze them, but it,s totally worth it. At my old place, I used to be able to freeze them and then smash them into manageable pieces on the floor. The floor at my new place is way too loud for that so I have to hit them with a hammer which adds an extra element of stupidity and insanity to the whole process. It makes them taste a tiny bit better, but it makes me feel like a maniac. What if somebody saw me hitting a juice bag?

I have been eating so many frozen Capri Suns lately. It,s been super hot and it,s supposed to be one hundred fifty degrees this weekend. I need that deposit money so I can stock up before I die. I don,t have room in my freezer right now, though. I put my shoes in there because I heard that doing that makes them smell better. My shoes didn,t smell bad, but I thought that if the smell couldn,t be improved because it was already good, maybe it would make them look better or last longer or something. I am going to eat frozen juice pieces out of my shoes.

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