Sunday, February 22, 2015

Early Morning

Oh, my dear, sweet food stamps. How I loved you. How I cherished you. How I used you to buy food and sometimes juice with you. I will miss you so much. I will miss the way you let me eat when I was hungry. I will miss the way your let me buy crazy amounts of cereal without worrying about anything. I will miss the way that I could use you to buy sandwiches for lunch at that deli next to my house where they have all of those weird paintings on one wall that are supposed to represent the flavors of the sandwiches but they don,t really make sense because a few of the paintings are of buildings. I will never forget you.

As you can tell (I,m talking to myself because nobody looks at this except for me) I am bidding a fond farewell to my beloved food stamps. I have less than thirty dollars on my good old EBT card and that will be gone in under six days. Usually, there is an upside that comes with every downside, but not this time. There is nothing good about not getting free money for food anymore. It is an irrevocable travesty.
Dorian Concept - Joined Ends
I learned a new word yesterday that sounds like a word a drunk person would say. It doesn,t seem real and even though it would be a pretty good word to use, I don,t think I will ever incorporate it into my vocabulary because it sounds so stupid that people would think that I,m even dumber than they already do for using it. It,s ,,perfidy.,, That is such an ugly looking and sounding word. I can,t believe some clown got away with putting that in the dictionary.

I wonder if it was done on a dare. One of those dictionary nerds dared another one to put in an obviously fake, ridiculous word and see if anybody noticed. Well, it,s been hundreds of years probably, but I,ve finally noticed and I am both angry and happy that such a great, dumb word exists. It,s the small victories, you know? Discovering this word is just what I needed to bring myself back from the edge of the terrifying chasm that is depression and constant crying because I don,t get free money anymore.

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