Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Sound Of Bubbles Popping

I did it. I finally got sick. I finally fell into the terrible pit of weakness, fatigue, annoyance, and noses. It,s not a good place to be, but I am thankful that it,s just a standard issue cold rather than the standard issue flu. My friend had the flu recently and I have been terrified of getting it. I am so frail and emaciated already that it would likely kill me. I,m not dead, though. I,m just an uncomfortable baby, rolling around in my own sweat, snot, and other fluids.

I always hate being sick more than anything in the world, but right now is especially bad. It,s not because I,m terribly sick or anything. I,m a normal amount of sick. My brain is yelling, my nose is squirting, my ears feel weird, my teeth are covered in spots, my butt hurts, and I only have enough energy to complain constantly. That,s all normal. The thing that makes it so bad is the timing.
The Shaggs - Philosophy Of The World
I have to go on a huge, dumb trip soon and before that, I have to do a bunch of huge, dumb things. Doing those huge and dumb things while I am a disgusting slop infant is annoying and I hate being annoyed. That,s why I tell on my neighbors when they slam their cabinets too loudly or have children.

Why aren,t colds set up where you only get one per year? I would be so fine with this cold if I knew I could,t get another one for at least twelve months. That would be a dream. That,s what scientists should be working on. I,m sure we need colds to exist for some weird reason, but science should at least be considerate enough to make sure they only last exactly three days and only happen once per year. It,s downright rude that science is too lazy to make sure that I don,t get sick right after being sick right now.

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