Sunday, August 16, 2015

A Constant Stream

Until extremely recently, I had never ordered food and had it delivered to my home. It doesn,t make sense to me. I,m not going to pay for food and then pay for somebody to bring it to me when I have a car. Even if they don,t charge you to bring it to you, I,m not going to wait forty-five minutes for some goon to shake it up and drive it to me. I can do that myself way faster.

All of that changed this past week, though. Somebody told me that some deli was going to be giving away unlimited free sandwiches all weekend as long as you had them delivered to you which was also free. It sounded insane and it was. I have eaten so many free sandwiches in the past four days. It has been incredible. I just ordered one and put it in the refrigerator because I,m not even hungry and as soon as I did that I thought, ,,I,m going to have to eat again at some point tomorrow. I had better order another sandwich,,, so that is exactly what I did. I,ve got another on the way right now. I am in love with free food. 
Mac DeMarco - Some Other Ones
Yesterday I worked at a big music festival. It was gross. The people were gross. The blonde dreadlocks were gross. The sun was gross. The dust that is still deep in my lungs was gross. It was all gross, but sometimes being gross pays the bills and I,ve got several bills that like being paid. 

I think my eyes got sunburned. They kind of itch and hurt today. Also, I think I got sun poisoning. I don,t know if that,s actually a thing, but I was in the sun so much yesterday that I now feel like I,m sick. I think it,s the sun,s fault. I guess it could be my fault for only eating sandwiches, but sandwiches are good for you. I don,t think the sandwiches would do me wrong like that. 

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