Thursday, December 31, 2015


It,s a rare day that I write this trash from a state other than the long one that I call home, but today is one of those days. I,m in a very dry airport right now. I don,t know if it,s dry because it,s in an extremely martian looking desert or because everything that has to do with flying is always super dry. That,s how they like it. Moisture clouds the minds of the pilots. It makes them weak.

I just sat next to one of the most pungent people I have ever been forced to sit next to. It was unreal. I cannot believe that somebody with working senses and a brain would ever douse themselves in so much noxious fume water. What a bad idea. On top of smelling like the inside of a cologne bottle that a fourteen year old bought, he was also drooling hearty mouthfuls of thick, brown slime into an emptied ketchup bottle. He was chewing tobacco leaves and noisily spitting the excess goop into a bottle so he could drink it later.
The Japanese House - Clean
Apparently, this airport doesn,t have free Wi-Fi. It,s either that or I,m an idiot and can,t figure out how to make the internet happen. Either way, I,m blasting through my phone,s data to do this. I,m finally putting it to good use. I use so little of it ever month that I feel like I,m just throwing almost the entirety of the money that I use to pay my phone bill in the trash. Not this time, though. This time I,m using the money to pay for data that I,m using right now to write some truly important literature.

I have to wait another hour or so before I get to sit on another plane for a few hours. I think I may try to scour this sad place and look for the cheapest food possible while I wait. I,d love to spend three dollars or less because that is the amount of money that I have with me. I spent my other seven dollars earlier this morning at a different airport. I bought a small bag of grease. I had grease for breakfast.

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