Tuesday, November 16, 2010



I had three cars when I was in high school. Not at the same time, I kept breaking them so I would have to get new ones. Good thing I am a gigantic spoiled brat and my dad buys me everything. Thanks dad. My third car was not a car. It was a green van. Before I put a CD player in there, it just had a weird stock radio that would pick up a channel below normal radios. It was at 87.5 FM or something. My brother and I would listen to that station everyday on my way to school. It played the audio from PBS and in the mornings it was some children,s show that I had never seen. I think some of the characters in it were from that other show, Arthur. The main guy would go around and hang out with different people, real people, not cartoons. I don't know how the show would work if it were on television. The only one I remember is when he went to hang out with some Hispanic family that built low-rider bikes.

I would get to school fifteen or twenty minutes early everyday and listen to that show while I sat in my car in the parking lot. My brother would get out as soon as we got there because he doesn,t like me because he is better at skateboarding than me. It was nice, I could learn about low-rider bikes or some family from Germany that really likes ice fishing. I learned more in those twenty minutes before school then I normally would in the eight hours following.

One morning, when I was listening to my stories, I saw a girl get hit by a car. She was a mentally disabled girl. I don,t know her name, we didn,t hang out much. She was nice enough though. Sometimes she would pee her pants, but whatever. It,s not like that stuff matters. Sometimes when I pee, I stop too early and when I put my disfigured wiener back in my pants another ounce or two rolls out. I don't care. It,s just some pee. It dries in a little while anyway.
Talking Heads - Speaking In Tongues

The person that hit the girl was this punker girl with really white skin and ugly hair that looked like it was made out of the bristles from old toothbrushes. I think she knew that and that,s why she died it so many gross colors all the time. She wore red plaid pants sometimes. I will never forget her face when she hit that disabled girl. She was so shocked and probably scared that she was going to go to prison for a hate crime again. But she screamed and then covered her mouth but not the normal way that people do when they see somebody die, she covered her mouth because she was laughing. It was nuts. I was an even more horrible person back then than I am now and even I knew that you shouldn,t laugh when he smash into a short, disabled blond girl.

That girl just got up and walked away though. She already had a pretty strange walk to her - sort of a limp. So you couldn,t really tell how bad she was hurt. Probably pretty bad but she just had that ,,Whatever, I am going to piss my pants and get hit by a car and still graduate high school and probably be happier and smarter than most of these idiots" attitude. She was, and still is, the must punk rock person I have ever seen. In retrospect, I probably should have tried to get to know her more.

1 comment:

John A said...

Dude you saw shaky girl get hit by a car? Lucky bastard.